摩登6维持A.M.Best“A”评级 |
发布时间:2013年10月16日浏览次数: | ||
10月11日,国际著名评级机构贝氏评级公司(A.M. Best Co.)发布公告称,确认了摩登6(集团)股份有限公司及其子公司——中国财产再保险股份有限公司和中国人寿再保险股份有限公司“A级(优秀)”财务实力评级(FSR)和“a级”发行人信用评级(ICR)。所有评级的展望均为稳定。 贝氏评级公司表示,此次的评级确认考虑了摩登6的资本总额,持续优良的运营表现,以及在国内再保险市场上的领导地位。 摩登6凭借整体高比例留存营业利润及重估可供出售金融资产公允价值获得的重大收益,在2012年继续提高了整体资本水平。另外,集团的人寿再保险业务凭借其在境外人民币业务的强大市场地位,与在香港及其他亚洲市场的寿险公司发展共保业务,也对经营业绩提供了正面的贡献。集团于2012年的税后净利润较2011年有所增长,主要为年内净投资收益大幅上涨所带动。 在2012年期间,摩登6通过以落实风险管理一体化的方式,进一步提升其综合风险管理的能力。集团引入了风险偏好管理体系,开展了包括加强数据质量和模型建设能力等各类项目,以保证能够持续评估其整体的风险状况、支持风险管理决策。 A.M Best Affirms Ratings of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation and Its Subsidiaries October 10, 2013—A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and issuer credit ratings of “a” of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation (China Re) and its subsidiaries, China Property & Casualty Reinsurance Company Ltd. (CPCR) and China Life Reinsurance Company Ltd. (CLRC) (collectively known as China Re Group). The outlook for all ratings is stable. The rating affirmations of China Re, CPCR and CLRE reflect the group’s consolidated capitalization, consistently favorable operating performance and leading position within the China reinsurance market. China Re Group’s overall high retention of operating earnings and significant revaluation gains on available-for-sale securities continued to strengthen its consolidated capital position in 2012. The group’s life reinsurance business also contributed positively to the operating results through its strong profile in the cross-border Renminbi (RMB) co-insurance business with life insurers in Hong Kong and other Asian markets. The group’s after-tax net income improved in 2012 over 2011, driven by significantly higher net investment gains during the year. In 2012, China Re Group took further steps to enhance its overall risk management capabilities under an integrated risk management approach by introducing the risk appetite system. To support the risk appetite decision-making process, the group implemented various projects to strengthen its data quality and modeling capabilities in assessing its risk units across the board on an ongoing basis. |
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